Reaching the Audience

Sep 20, 2020

Critical from any branding perspective, is reaching your audience. That's always obvious to me when creating visual content. This week I learned a little (or a lot) about the education audience. 

All excited with the bar raised on creating interactivity in my YVB online course, it felt like I was ready to start.  Alas, not so fast young grasshopper:

One of the great unexpected outcomes so far for my capstone is the coaching. I specifically advanced my time line on my capstone so that I could work with Jen Kramer and learn from her vast experience in creating online education content.  

This weeks meeting reminded me of when I work with a client - who is excited and has great ideas, but they aren't focussed on the audience needs.  It seems I was creating a course for higher-learning - which is what I HAVE been focussed on for several years now, but my audience - they are focussed on their business!

Jen reminded me that my audience wants to get answers to their problems quickly, they want an easy button.  It has been another week of back to the drawing board, but not a starting from scratch proposition.  More of a sifting one. All the information is there, I just have to sit in the shoes of a business owner and deliver actionable content.

The format is good, the information and the visuals are great.  This week its time to change the order and the scope.  

I feel like I have clarity.

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