Post it with Post Its

Oct 02, 2020

For a visual person, there is nothing like getting it all out in front of you and building a puzzle with Post-Its.

Having been challenged to integrate sidebar ideas into lessons and have all lessons contain an interactive piece. I set out this week to get everything color-coded onto post-it notes.

Yellow is Chapters 

Pink are actions

And Green stickies are sidebar information that's not a chapter, but some deeper learning a user can look towards.  

3 things need to come from this:

  1. Every chapter needs to have a pink and green sticky to help make the lesson stick with the user and allow them further learning.
  2. Every chapter needs a "story" a beginning with goals, the meaty part, and an ending.
  3. The entire project needs a story ARC the same as every chapter.

Wish me luck!

After organizing all these chapters, it will be time to shortlist, how can I create concision in the learning process?


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