creating looks photo editing photoshop snapseed May 08, 2016

Do I have to learn photoshop? Depends...I once nailed a look for my campaign photos with my IPHONE!
2minutemastery: creating a look, it might be in the palm of your hand

My friend, hair stylist Michael Crispel, is a bit of a chameleon in photographs, but always rock star cool. For the KMS California campaign we shot a few years back, I was asked to shoot some portraits of the stylists that created the the campaign. We were shooting at a warehouse in Hollywood and there are all sorts of rooms to shoot in. In the back corner was this old salon chair against this brick wall. The light was great in this room as it had an opaque window. Window light is great to shoot with! When I am shooting in studio or for film, I always try to emulate real world lighting scenarios ...I often try to create window light. It stops things from looking "lit"!
With Michael mostly in dark colors, I kinew his hands would "pop" as he sat in the chair like that ... Now often I would think this image looked to "handy" ... Distracting from the face, but as Michael works with his hands and the shot is about him being a stylist, a big part of the story is about his hands.
I was happy with the image, and shooting up from the floor, with a wide lens made it him look larger than life, but the image needed a "look".
Lots of people want to know what I did in Photoshop to finish this image. ...the truth is, I didn't use photoshop at all!!!! It is an iPhone app called Snapseed. I was using Snapseed a lot on my iPhone shots and I liked some of the looks it came up with - this one is called "grunge." So I transferred the image from my computer to my phone added "grunge" and transferred it back to my computer! BAM super cool look - NO work!
There are lots of tools for iPhones and iPads and those little machines are super powerful these days. We are only limited by our imaginations!
Do you need to learn Photoshop? If it is something you want to learn - go ahead it is powerful! But is there an "app" for that? You bet!
Check out Snapseed! I use it all the time ... Mainly for Instagram. But on this day, it got used on an international campaign.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


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