av mode backlight easy silhouette May 09, 2016

Want to shoot striking silhouettes? Silhouettes are technically easy! I love this image of Healthy Role Model and my best-friend Sarah Gilks, here's how I got it: Point the camera at the sun in Automatic, or AV mode (for IPhones just point at the sun). Get your subject to stand in front or near the sun - BAM - instant silhouette! Because this image is about form, shape and simplicity are strengths; try to clear the frame of everything but your subject. The ground often becomes dark, so shooting from low and pointing up, makes the ground smaller in the frame. Your camera is going to have very high shutter speeds when pointing at the sun, taking advantage of freezing movement can add drama. Lastly, in post-processing, warm your colors and darken your shadows 😊. is in the last days of registering for their Spring journey, it's an outstanding mind and body fitness program, if you are looking to make health a priority this year, surf on over!


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