Chapter 2 Uploaded!

Nov 17, 2020

Wow- scheduling!

I have a big all schedule in my edit suite.  Layed out on it is my work every day in order to complete my course before the end of the capstone project.'s not - impossible. 😳

Not that my capstone won't be done.  My rubric will be filled out and excellence achieved, but my commercial release for Your Visual Brand won't be ready by December 19th.

Chapter 2 is now complete and by end of day tomorrow I will have all my multimedia games installed.  This still leaves workbook creation!

Making a full multi-media course is a MASSIVE project!

For Saturday, I am going to have Chapter 2 live for my small and awesome team of testers to navigate.

I need to bat a little cleanup on the HTML part of my lessons.  I haven't really looked at that area witht the same scrutiny as the rest of my course, so I will work on that before I send out the update.




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